The Liebster Award

Well hello everybody! I'm happy to say that the lovely Harriet of project-flawless has nominated me for The Liebster Award, thank you sweet pea! The Liebster Award is for small, new and upcoming blogs with under 200 followers, to get people checking out new blogs and helping us bloggers out by giving us a bigger audience!

The Liebster rules on Harriet's page are:

The Liebster Award Rules

1. You must link back the person who nominated you
2. You must state 11 random facts about yourself
3. You must answer the 10 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you
4. You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers
5. You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer
6. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees

Now after a little searching I've done, I've found that the below are apparently the official rules:

If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award AND YOU CHOOSE TO ACCEPT IT, write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:
1. thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
3. answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5. nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1000 followers. (Note that you can always ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display a widget that lets the readers know this information!)
6. create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
7. list these rules in your post (You can copy and paste from here.) Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
8. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)

And so, there we have it! I'll get cracking on with my facts and things.

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. I am studying Beauty Therapy at college
  2. I am obsessed with Yankee Candles
  3. I have far, FAR too many books sat on my bookshelf... unread.
  4. I have OCD about numbers (TV volume has to be on an even number, generally things have to be in even numbers) or patterns (symmetry and things like that…)
  5. I also obsess over vanilla, or generally sweet, scented things.
  6. I'm in love with owls too. Owl cushions, owl candle holders, owl pin cushions, owls, owls, owls.
  7. I automatically have a massive crush on absolutely anyone with a Scottish, Australian, Irish, American, Southern (English) accent…
  8. I always "have no clothes", yet I have a wardrobe and chest of drawers FULL of clothes.
  9. I like to use my own experiences in life to help other people when they're dealing with it. (e.g. my dad passing, depression, bullying)
  10. I have a wonderful big brother, sister-in-law and little nephew who live over in Vienna! (I'm so proud of them I had to try and squeeze it in somewhere!)
  11. I do ridiculous things when I've had a drink, like… Dye my hair
My Questions from Harriet
Q1.What/Who inspires you?
  • Make up and beauty wise, a lot of MAC artists I see on instagram or bbloggers. I take so much inspiration from things like Pinterest and I kind of keep it in my head for when I'm feeling arty or I'll keep it in mind when I get my own place for decorating.

Q2. What is your favourite drug store product?
  • Probably at the moment, seeing as I am absolutely loving the product that I purchased about 3 days ago, BB Cream by Maybelline New York

Q3. What is your favourite high end product?
  • It has to be something by MAC, I do obsess over MAC Cosmetics a little bit! I do love their eyeshadows, they are such beautiful colours, although I'm in love with their Fluidline too, it's so beautiful!

Q4. What are the products you simple can't live without?
  • I would say foundation, but I've replaced that with BB cream and my skin is so much better already. Probably mascara, a little bit of blush, BB cream are the main ones!
Q5. Why did you start a blog?
  • Just so I could find other blogs with the same interests and so I could post about things I find work for me! Really to help other people out, to share my thoughts on things I love etc.

Q6. What is the best and worst about blogging?
  • The best probably this really great feeling after I make a big long blog post on something I've been desperate to blog about, it's like relief and almost like I've accomplished something! HA, that sounds ridiculous, but it makes me happy to see the views on a post I feel proud of rise and rise (as little as the total views may end up being) throughout the day! The worst would be starting off, I'm still in this stage of trying to get people interested in my blog and finding what kind of posts I'm more interested in posting or what posts I'm better at. I'm still kind of in limbo with finding what my blogging style is and trying to attract a good audience!

Q7. What 4 words would you use to describe yourself?
  • I always find describing myself difficult… Clumsy! Bright (I'd like to think so anyway). Determined. Perfectionist! I think those are the best words I can think of

Q8. Name one skill you wish you had
  • Too many! I can't think of just the one. I guess I'd probably say I'd love to be one of those people who can just learn a language so easily and remember it! I would seriously learn every language possible if I had the memory and storage space in my brain for it!

Q9. What is one item of clothing you can't live without?
  • Bras. Does that count? Or do you mean… If not bras (because I do have a MIGHTY collection of bras!) probably cardigans. I get cold so easily and I can just snuggle up in a cardigan.

Q10. How would you describe your style?
  • Honestly? Pretty plain Jane. I keep really safe with wearing black, grey and white all of the time. I'd love it if I could just find a bit of confidence to wear bright colours and experiment with insane make up and hair styles. People find what suits them best that way, but I'm just too self conscious to do it!
My Nominees!
  1. What are your all time favourite products?
  2. How would you best sum yourself up?
  3. If you had to choose a decade to live in, out of the 1920's, 1930's, 1940's, 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's, 1990's or 2000's PURELY FOR THEIR FASHION/STYLE, which would you choose and why?
  4. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
  5. What are your top 3 favourite brands?
  6. All time favourite perfume?
  7. Who/what inspires you?
  8. If you had to narrow your make-up bag down to just four items, which four would you choose?
  9. What skincare products would you recommend?
  10. If you were to give a newbie blogger a few tips and advice on setting up a blog, what would that be?
  11. Favourite cocktail?
Thank you again, Harriet! This was pretty fun to write out!

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